
We Enjoy S*x During COVID-19 Lockdown - Nigerians Open Up

Nigerians have spoken about how the coronavirus
outbreak and the lockdown has affected their s*x
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nigerians
have been advised to self-isolate for the sake of
protecting themselves from contracting the deadly
virus or ignorantly spreading to other people. This
has caused a detachment from friends, family and
lovers. Saturday Sun spoke with a cross-section of
Nigerians in Lagos State which has been under
lockdown since last weekend. The respondents, of
different marital status, ages and professions, bared
their minds on how they are handling their sexual
urges under the circumstances given the medical
confirmation that coronavirus can be sexually
transmitted. Excerpts:

Bartholomew Emenike, Data Analyst
“I haven’t had sex since the first case of coronavirus
was confirmed in Nigeria. I was scared because I
didn’t really understand much about the virus, so sex
was a no-go area for me––and it still is. I am not
going to have sex until this pandemic is over. I am
not in a relationship at the moment and I can easily
have random sex but that will be selfish. Though it’s
not going to be easy it’s a price we all have to pay
for the greater good of all.”

Chetachukwu Akurunwa
“COVID-19 won’t stop couples from lovemaking. I
am married and this does not stop me from having
sex with my husband, especially, as we are still
young in our marriage. We don’t make use of nose
masks and hand gloves when we’re within the house,
why would we use it when we are having sex? We
maintain good hygiene, wash our hands, sanitize so
we don’t need to do that.”
Tobi Godson, Male Model
“For now, I am celibate and I would advise singles to
do the same. The married ones can keep enjoying
themselves as long as they are not infected so that
their children and people living around them would
not be affected. I heard that it can be sexually
transmitted and it seems that people react to this
disease differently so if a wife has it and the husband
contacts it through sex, he might not make it
through. I think, for now, people should just stay

Chinedu Izundu, Artiste
“Isolation or no isolation, I have decided to refrain
from sex for a while now for reasons best known to
me; but from all indications, the rate at which people
have sex may reduce especially among the singles.

The married might be having sex more frequently
because they are at home together. They might be
having sex so well for the first few weeks, but after a
while, everybody would get bored.”
Adaora, Entrepreneur
“Having sex during this isolation period is all
dependent on the person’s choice. I am still having
sex with my partner because I know I am COVID-19
negative and he is too, so what’s there to fear? We
are both faithful partners and none of us is going out,
so we are safe. The preventive measures we are
using are enough, why use glove and nose masks?”
Lukman Garba, Content Creator
“I’m not having sex. This is because I have been
celibate for a very long time and I still remain
celibate. But since the Minister of Health had
confirmed that COVID-19 is sexually transmitted,
everybody, both singles and married, should try as
much as possible to avoid having sex during this
period. This is for the safety of everyone around.”
Pelina Harrison, Event Planner
“I am not having sex this period. I just had to refrain
because of the COVID-19 issue. I don’t think the
essence of the isolation can be fulfilled when
someone is still having random sex. For those that
are still having sex, they should just be careful and
ensure they take their baths before and after the sex.
More importantly, it would be better if they can get
tested to know their statuses to be on the safe side.”
Ronke Adebayo, Fashion Designer
“I have been married for eight years and I can tell
you that this quarantine period is the best time to
have sex because nobody will claim that they are
tired from working all day. My husband and I observe
proper hygiene. We have maintained social distance
since this pandemic hit this country so we are clean
to have as much sex as we want. We have sex every
day, but before we do, we take our bath and sanitize
our hands. After taking all the necessary precautions,
we do.
Akin Bamidele, Electrician

I am not married but my girlfriend and I have been
having sex. We meet and have sex. Nothing will
happen to us. Coronavirus affects people who are
fearful. I am not afraid of it, neither is my girlfriend.
One thing must kill a man. Death is the end for
everybody, so why are people afraid to have sex
because they don’t want to be infected with a deadly
virus? We don’t wear nose masks to have sex, it’s
not necessary. We are healthy. There’s no cause for

Grace Enoabasi, Businesswoman
My husband and I have sex as long as he’s not
infected with coronavirus. We have been in isolation
together so nothing is stopping us from enjoying
each other’s bodies. Sex for us doesn’t happen every
day but we heed the call of nature whenever it
beckons. The good thing about this quarantine period
is that it has a way of bringing couples together and
making them bond through sex.

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