
The Amazing 43-Year-Old MotherWho Always Gets Mistaken forHer 19-Year-Old Daughter’sSister

A woman who looks way younger than her age has
often gotten mistaken for her 19-year-old
daughter's sister.
Mother and daughter
Joleen Diaz, a 43-year-old woman from California
has been dubbed “the world’s hottest mom” on
social media, with millions commending her for her
incredibly youthful looks, which often get her and her
19-year-old daughter confused for siblings.
Ab elementary school teacher by profession, Joleen
says that she doesn’t mind getting mistaken for her
daughter’s sibling, and neither does she. She had
Meilani when she was very young, so it’s not entirely
possible to believe that they could be sisters; plus,
while growing up Meilani would always hear people
tell Joleen they thought her mother was her sister, so
she is used to it. Still, the 43-year-old looks pretty
incredible for her age, which she attributes to her
religious skin care.
“I religiously take care of my skin, and everyday wash
my face in the morning and before I go to bed,”
Joleen said in a recent interview. “I began taking care
of my skin at a young age, around 12 or 13. My mom
used to buy Mary Kay and I would secretly use her
skin care products. A product that has shown
dramatic change for me is, tretinoin. Most people
know it as Retin-A. I’ve been using it now for about a
year and a half, and I’ve seen my skin just get better
and better.”
“Having good skin gives me confidence, even on the
days I don’t look my best,” Diaz added.
The single mother said she had Meilani start the
same rigorous skincare routine when she was 12, to
make sure that she had the same radiant skin.
But skincare is only part of what makes Joleen looks
so young. She also works out, follows a balanced,
healthy diet, gets plenty of rest, and above all, she
maintains a laidback attitude, not worrying to much
about the past or the future.
“I’m pretty pragmatic, and try not to worry too much
about the past or anticipate worries in the future,” the
43-year-old said. “I live a pretty simple life and I’m
content with what I have.”
Photos of Joleen and Meilani recently went viral on
social media, leaving many with their mouths open,
thinking they were twins, not mother and daughter.

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