
Five Most common Questions Job Seekers Can Ask At An Interview

I have done a lot of interviews searching for that dream job.
Who hasn’t? I’ve also found myself on the other end enough
times to know what interviewers expect from their future
employees. If you’re hunting for a job and peradventure, you
were lucky to get to the interview stage, then you shouldn’t
blow it.
Most job applicants are so focused on getting the job, that
they miss the big opportunity to learn about their
prospective position. No doubt, these insights reveal what
the role entails.
To the employer, asking relevant questions helps make up
their mind quickly that you’re the best for the job. But asking
stupid questions won’t get you anywhere. In this article,
you’re going to learn five questions you must ask at a job
interview. Do this well, and you’ll be smiling at the end.
1. What Will Be The Biggest Challenge For Anyone Filling
This Position?
Remember, you’re not spewing this question to impress your
interviewer, but to learn more about the position. This
question will help the employer give you a detailed overview
of what to expect in that position. You can decide to either
walk away or grab the job. If you’re qualified and yet, the
role seems out of your control, you can ask what assistance
they offer to help tackle such a challenge.
2. Is This A New Or Existing Position In The Company?
When you ask this question, it will give birth to many related
queries. If it is a new role, why was it created? If the
interviewer said it is an existing role, are they adding or
replacing a person, and why? If they are replacing a person,
what happened to the last person? These questions will help
you understand your role and how you fit into the company.
Organizations create a new position to solve a new problem,
while some are merely to help fasten the company’s growth.
3. Who Are The People I Will Be Collaborating With?
You need to understand that titles don’t often depict roles.
One organization’s Project Coordinator can be a project
manager who oversees the work of several groups in the
organization. The same position can be a consulting and
project-based position that is the administrative support for
a single group. By knowing who you will be collaborating
with, your role becomes evident.
4. What’s The Most Important Thing That I Can Accomplish
In The Next 60 Days?
This question has the potential to get you a considerable
remark. Why so? Well, it shows how enthusiastic and
success orientated you are. In other words, it shows you off
as a problem solver, which is a desirable attribute in today’s
world. By asking this question, you are allowing the
interview to visualize you in that position. They might not
have done that before, but this question will fix that and
consequently get you the job.
5. What Do You Love About Working In This Organization?
Now, this is a question that many candidates might never
ask. They feel it is threatening or perhaps, out of bounds.
However, the reverse is the case. This question helps you
gain a personal perspective of the interview and also helps
you build rapport. Remember, the purpose of these
questions isn’t to brag. But to learn as much as you can
about the role and organization. Bringing your egoistic self
to the interview room will get you kicked out. No employer
needs a rival!
Asking the right questions will do you a lot of good. First, it
corrects the wrong impression you might have created
during the interviews. Secondly, you show off your
personality, strengths, and vision for the role. The most
important thing is asking the right questions, not just any
question. Do this well, and you will become the best
candidate. Do you know what that means? You already have
a job. You don’t always need a big connection or an
impressive degree to get a job. Sometimes, what you need
is confidence and to exhibit unusual traits that would be
beneficial to your position. Good luck!